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EBLIP9: EBLIP9 Online Conference Recordings

EBLIP 9 Conf. 2017

EBLIP9 Online Conference Recordings

The EBLIP9 online conference recordings provides a professional development opportunity for those who aren't able to attend the conference in person. Following the conference, we will provide access to recordings of six sessions and the mid-conference keynote address.

The online conference includes access to recordings of Drexel President John Fry’s welcome and the mid-conference keynote by Yi Deng, six selected presentations, and now including the special panel discussion “Responding Proactively to Fake News”). A complete list of recorded sessions and their abstracts can be found below.

A registration fee is required, and please visit the main conference registration page for details.


We will record the following sessions for this online conference option:

EBLIP9 Video 1:
Welcoming Remarks & Mid-keynote Session
John Fry, Drexel University President (Welcome Address)
Yi Deng, PhD, Dean of Drexel's College of Computing & Informatics
(Mid Keynote)

Yi Deng, PhD serves as dean and Isaac L. Auerbach Professor at the College of Computing & Informatics (CCI) at Drexel University. Deng came to Drexel in September 2016 after a seven-year tenure as dean of the College of Computing and Informatics at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where his leadership helped to transform the college leading to dramatic growth in academic programming, enrollment, and research funding. His leadership also helped to shaping the university’s direction and priority, and established the college as a powerhouse in the region’s economic development. Prior to his post at UNC Charlotte, Deng served as professor and dean at the School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University (FIU).

EBLIP9 Video 2:
Understanding Research Productivity: Fresh New Evidence for Librarians
Kristin Hoffmann (Twitter: @KMHlibrarian), Western University
Denise Koufogiannakis (Twitter: @dkouf), University of Alberta

Research-informed evidence is a key component of evidence-based library and information practice. As such, it is important to understand what factors affect library and information professionals’ ability to carry out and disseminate research. Contributing to the literature about research by librarians, this project is unique in that it looks for correlations between research productivity factors and the research outputs of academic librarians. The study examined factors related to institutional supports, which have been commonly described in the literature, and also evaluated factors related to the individual and their professional community.

EBLIP9 Video 3:
Using Data for Assessment and Research:  The Institute for Research Design in Librarianship (IRDL)
Marie Kennedy, Loyola Marymount University
Kristine Brancolini, Loyola Marymount University

This presentation reports on three interconnected summaries of data gathered from the participants of the Institute for Research Design in Librarianship (IRDL) that were used to both improve the program over three years and to contribute to the body of knowledge regarding success factors for librarian-researchers.

EBLIP9 Video 4:
Panel Discussion: Responding Proactively to “Fake News”

Moderator: Jon Eldredge, Associate Professor, School of Medicine, University of New Mexico
Panelists: Heather Holmes, Associate Director of Libraries, Medical University of South Carolina; Scott Walter, University Librarian, DePaul University; Malin Ögland, Head, County Library, Uppsala, Sweden

Library and information practitioners are dedicated to providing accurate evidence. How do we then respond productively to intentionally-produced misinformation? This panel discussion will consist of practitioners representing health, public, and academic organizations. The discussion will begin by describing the dynamics of fake evidence and trace it to its sources, including hostile governments. Next, panelists will review established methods to counter suspected fake information and suggest new techniques for responding proactively to fake evidence.

EBLIP9 Video 5:
Children’s Information Practices at a School Library Makerspace – Evidence from Video Recorded
Re-enactment and
Xiaofeng Li, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

This study aims to understand children’s information practices at a school library makerspace, and explore the roles of arrangement of the space, available technologies, and materials in their information and social practices at makerspace.

EBLIP9 Video 6:
Embracing Evidence Based Collecting in the Health and Behavioral Science
Carolyn Schubert, James Madison University

Evidence based collection development requires combining multiple sources of information, such as usage data, subject librarian expertise, user values and preferences, and external evidence from librarianship research. Through triangulation, librarians can build a collection that is responsive, balanced, and relevant to address both established and emerging curricular trends. In the field of health and behavioral studies, growth in interprofessional education supports collaborative collecting practices. In 2014-2015, health and behavioral studies librarians at James Madison University (JMU) piloted a collapsed monographic selection project to facilitate better interdisciplinary collecting. This project discusses an evidence-based approach to evaluating and updating approval profiles for
collaborative monographic purchasing and how the pilot affects collecting practices.


EBLIP9 Video 7:
Embedding Resource Sharing Evidence in Cooperative Collection Development
Thomas Teper, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Collaborative resource sharing sustains communities of students and scholars across regions and countries. This vital component of research libraries has many dimensions, which include local and national constituencies, consortia agreements, budgetary and administrative support, subject experts, and international publishing trends. Resource sharing through interlending and duplication services empowers community building by supporting academic institutions lacking strong area studies collections by providing regional access to unique collections. Based on resource sharing data from a single research library, this paper aims to provide an evidence-based framework for cooperative collection development within area studies collections, and addresses the following questions:

  • What evidence-based strategies should research libraries use to maintain this subset of scholarly communication?
  • How should research libraries balance local needs, minimize duplication of effort, and maximize collaboration in collection development?

EBLIP9 Video 8:
Studying the Effectiveness of a Storytelling/Story-Acting Activity on Ugandan Preschoolers’ Emergent Literacy in Two Rural Ugandan Community Libraries
Valeda Dent, St. John’s University

Using two rural village libraries in Uganda as a backdrop, the study explores the effectiveness of a library-based intervention known as the STSA (storytelling/story-acting) activity on preschool children’s school readiness skills related to emergent literacy. Half of the children at each library participated in STSA twice per week for six months and were compared with preschool children who did not receive the STSA intervention.