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Drexel Library

EBLIP9: Pre-Conference Workshops

EBLIP 9 Conf. 2017



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Pre-Conference Workshops

Pre-Conference Workshops
Preconference workshops will be held the Sunday prior to the start of the conference. These sessions require an additional registration and fee and are included on the main conference registration form. The workshops are intended to be in-depth learning sessions that will offer a deeper, more thorough look at topics related to evidence-based practices. 

1.  Evidence-Based Practices and Assessment in Special Collections and Archives

Presenters: Christian Dupont (Boston College Libraries) and Emile Hardman (Harvard Library)
Registration Fee:
Date: Sunday, June 18, 2017
Time: 2:00pm - 6:00pm

In this workshop, participants will learn about assessment techniques associated with special collections and archives with a particular emphasis on public services and instructional outreach. The workshop will suggest appropriate standardized measures and related metrics that can inform evidence-based decision making within special collections departments. Qualitative and quantitative evidence-gathering techniques specific to special collections and archives will be discussed. In addition, participants will learn practical advice about incorporating primary source literacy into special collections programs and services. This session will take a workshop approaching using in-class exercises and activities. 


2. Engaging Assessment to Show Value and Make Decisions: Making the Case for your Library
Presenter: Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe (
Registration Fee: $100.00
Date: Sunday, June 18, 2017

Time: 2:00pm - 6:00pm

As libraries are increasingly asked to demonstrate their value and the contributions they make to their institutions, library staff need efficient and effective strategies for assessment. Best practice in assessment means embedding assessment into the library's practices on a continuous basis rather than treating it as a separate and additional task. The workshop will present an integrated and systematic approach to developing and assessing library activities that includes identifying impact outcomes and aligned activities, establishing criteria, collecting and analyzing data and evidence, and using the results for improvement and telling the story of the library's impact. Participants will have the opportunity to practice using the tools and techniques presented.

Pre-Conference Workshop Outcomes
Participants will be able to:

  • Describe and use the assessment cycle 
  • Design an assessment project for library services 
  • Analyze evidence for planning and change 
  • Develop evidence-based messages about library services.
Available: Certificate of 3 hours of CE (Medical Library Association)

3. Tips for Publishing Your Research on the Use of Evidence-Based Practice in the Library

Presenters: Stacy Stanislaw (Drexel University Libraries)
Registration Fee: $100.00
Date: Sunday, June 18, 2017
Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm

In this workshop, presenters will discuss best practices for navigating and contributing to scholarly research, with a focus on publishing in academic journals. Information covered will include tips for writing a successful journal article, selecting the most relevant journal for submission, navigating and understanding Open Access publishing and more. In addition, an editor and journal authors will share advice and first-hand accounts of editing and writing for scholarly journals. Participants will have the opportunity to learn and practice through interactive breakout group exercises.

Pre-conference Workshop Outcomes

Participants will be able to:

  • Find and identify academic journals that are relevant to their research papers
  • Write a compelling article title and abstract
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of their journal articles to increase the likelihood of acceptance for publication in the journal of choice
  • Guide faculty and graduate students through the publishing process
  •  Lead discussions on campus about the concept of Open Access

Embedding and Embracing Evidence

June 18-21, 2017