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Stress Relief & Intellectual Wellness at the Drexel Libraries

A guide to help you cope with stress and improve your intellectual wellness through creativity, mindfulness, and games


College can be stressful - we get it, and we're here to help!

It can be overwhelming to locate resources to support your health and wellness, particularly in times of uncertainty and change. The resources below are meant to point you to information, tips, and resources from the Drexel Libraries and the University for intellectual wellness, managing stress, mental health, and safety.

Whether it's connecting you to meditation resources and origami tutorials, printable coloring pages, online puzzles, or tips for self-care, the Drexel Libraries is here to help you maintain your health and wellness throughout your career at Drexel and in life after graduation.

What is Wellness?

What is Wellness?

Wellness refers to complete health, rather than just your physical health. Wellness is not only being free of disease, illness, or stress, but also having a purpose in life, being emotionally healthy, taking an active involvement in your work and in your leisure time, having joyful relationships and being happy.​​​ Wellness involves all aspects of your life beyond your physical health. To enjoy fulfilled and happy lives, it is important to take care of your well-being and to invest time in your wellness.

Why is Health & Wellness Important?

Why is Wellness Important?

Wellness is important because it shapes nearly every aspect of everyday life. Physical wellness allows you to move around without pain, for example, so you can function well while working, doing housework, or playing sports. Poor physical wellness, by comparison, can make it difficult to engage in any physical activity at all without being in pain, dizzy or short of breath. Emotional wellness helps you process grief, anger, or frustration during life’s inevitable downturns and helps you experience joy and optimism when things are going well. Social wellness gives you a shoulder to cry on and someone to celebrate with.

In short, wellness helps you stay on track and move forward down the path towards a fulfilling life, even when the road gets rough.

8 Dimensions of Wellness

Dimensions of Health & Wellness

There are eight interconnected dimensions of health and wellness that all contribute to our overall well-being:

  • Physical: The role that you take in maintaining your body for strength, vitality and energy.
  • Emotional: Being aware and managing your feelings, being at peace with who you are, and having the tools you need to weather life's ups and downs.
  • Intellectual: Feeling stimulated and engaged with learning and staying open to new ideas and perspectives.
  • Environmental: Reflects the impact your environment (home, school, city, planet) has on you and the impact you have on the environment.
  • Financial: Your relationship with money and skills for managing resources, as well as your ability to make good consumer choices and seek out appropriate financial opportunities.
  • Occupational: The work you choose to do and how it contributes to your community and fulfills you.
  • Social: How you choose to define and connect with your community and the people around you.
  • Spiritual: Your understanding of your place and purpose, how you make meaning of what happens to you, and what your mind goes to for comfort or relief.