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Special Education: Special Topics

Teaching and learning topics pertaining to students with special needs

Master Class Videos

A few videos of particular relevance:

Special Needs: Inclusion  by ITV Granada Manchester, in School Matters, 1 (Teachers TV/UK Dept of Ed, 2006), 28 mins
Including the Special School by Maverick TV, in Future School, 6 (Teachers TV/UK Dept of Ed, 2005), 14 mins
Tackling Challenging Behaviour 1 by Lambent, in Primary Special Needs, 3 (Teachers TV/UK Dept of Ed, 2006), 15 mins
Tackling Challenging Behaviour 2  by Lambent, in Primary Special Needs, 4 (Teachers TV/UK Dept of Ed, 2006), 16 mins
Effective Inclusion: Bringing Special School Experience into the Mainstream Classroom, (Teachers TV/UK Dept of Ed, 2010), 6 mins
Differentiation by Real Life, in Secondary NQTs (Teachers TV/UK Dept of Ed, 2005), 14 mins

Selected Higher Education Scholarly Journals

What if I just want to browse a few good peer-reviewed / scholarly journals that are all about special education ?

Try some of the following:

Professional and Trade Associations

Professional and trade associations offer unique insider perspectives on the world of their membership with industry reports and member surveys you will not find elsewhere. Here are a few for special education worth considering:

  • CEC Council for Exceptional Childen
  • CHADD Childen and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  • CLD Council for Learning Disabilities
  • LDA Learning Disabilities Association of America
  • NASET National Association of Special Education Teachers
  • PAGE Pennsylvania Association for Gifted Education

The following are particularly notable for the free online collections offered on their sites:

Still can't find your special statistic or fact? Other associations can be found in the Library database Encyclopedia of Associations.

Research from your IEP Team Player Role

Not every student who takes a special education course will go on to take their Special Education certification. However, the likelihood that a student will someday serve on an IEP team as the classroom teacher or in another role is very high.

How might your particular IEP team role influence what sort of research articles you need to be prepared for such a meeting? Check out the following links tied to search results in for ideas on how this plays out a hypothetical case. Scenario: Third grade student diagnosed with ADHD that is controlled by medication but still faces behavioral issues in his mainstream grade class.

General Education Classroom Teacher
Special Education Teacher
School District representative or administrator
An individual who can interpret the evaluation results
Student advocate


Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Deborah Bishov
Subjects: Education