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Special Education: EDEX 544 Assignment

Teaching and learning topics pertaining to students with special needs

Assignment Topic: Inclusion

"You have been chosen by your principal to give a presentation to the faculty and staff of your school on the definition, benefits and varying scenarios of inclusion based on your having taken this course. In this presentation, you are to discuss what inclusion is, what it looks like in the schools, and benefits to ALL (regular and special education students). In addition, describe your position on inclusion (at both the beginning and end of the term), what your research shows about inclusion, and what is meant by FAPE and LRE."

Definitions of Special Education

Definition of Inclusive Education

What Inclusion Looks Like in Schools

Issue Briefings and Opinions

These two databases can help you find arguments pro and con regarding controversial issues.  The CQ Researcher briefs are not all current, but still possess the foundational facts and timelines for the issues covered.

Videos of master class sessions with inclusion

Here are search results for the keyword "INCLUSION" in the video contents of this database.