See the ORCID Support site for help with other features of ORCID.
Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is an initiative to disambiguate authors of scholarly works through unique, persistent identifiers. Creating an ORCID account allows researchers to obtain a unique identifier, manage a record of scholarly activities, and create a public profile. ORCID connects to many platforms researchers are already using. Some publishers may ask for ORCID iDs from authors and link new publications to the authors' ORCID profile. Information in ORCID can be easily added to an NIH or NSF Biosketch using the SciENcv tools. Learn more on the ORCID website.
Register for an ORCID account using the link below.
Making your profile information visible to others is done using "Visibility Settings." You can find global visibility preferences by clicking on your name in the top right corner of your ORCID page, followed by the "Account Settings" link. Choose the Visibility option to set default settings for items added to ORCID.
However, each item that you add to ORCID also has its own privacy setting, found on your main ORCID page. You can choose to list publications on your public profile page, but keep education and employment information private. Change this using the privacy option next to each item on your ORCID page.
To see what information is public, using the "View Public Profile" link in the left column.
After creating an ORCID account, use the Works section of your ORCID page to add citation information from various sources. Choosing "Add works" gives you the option to import information from other platforms using "Search & link" or "Import BibTeX."
Choose "Search & link" to connect ORCID with accounts like ResearcherID. You will be asked to authorize links between accounts.
After you have authorized the link between accounts and logged into your ResearchID account, you will choose what information you would like to send.
Then choose which publications from ResearcherID you would like to send to ORCID, and authorize ResearcherID to make changes to ORCID. Now go back to your ORCID page to see the added publications and choose whether to make them public or private.
Choose "Import BibTeX" to add citations from a platform that supports export of citations in BibTeX format, such as Google Scholar. For help exporting citations from Google Scholar, see the ORCID support page at the link below.
If your citations cannot be found on any of the platforms covered above, you can add citations to ORCID manually. To add citations manually, go to your main ORCID profile page, choose Add Works, and the Add Manually option. This form provides a lot of flexibility to add citations for works that are not journal articles, such as conference abstracts, patents, and datasets.
Similar to the MYNCBI account, ORCID provides an option to allow trusted individuals to edit your ORCID information. Trusted individuals must also have an ORCID account. You can add a trusted individal by clicking on your name in the upper right-hand corner of your ORCID account. The Trusted Parties link provides settings for Trusted Organizations and Trusted individuals.