Finally, you have made it. You will culminate everything you found on your research topic in the form of a poster presentation. On the poster, you will organize the information you have collected and analyzed to create a new information source that you will share with the campus community. Posters can be shared in a variety of ways including as a virtual exhibition, social media post, visual display in the library, or at a symposium. For the purpose of sharing your poster, please use the template provided and save in the format of your choice - PowerPoint PPTX, .JPG, .JPEG, or .PDF.
A title that describes your research topic. Try to think of a catchy title to attract attention!
A statement that brief overview of your poster. Include background to provide a context for the topic. Define acronyms and avoid technical jargon.
Quick facts
Share any important details or facts that you discovered in your research. Statistical information is useful for quick facts.
Main findings/concepts
This can be taken from your Information Synthesis Table. What did you find out about this topic?
Based on what you discovered in your research, what are your takeaways? What is the main conclusion? How is this information found relevant on a broad scale? Did you find any gaps or unanswered questions?
Add in visual aspects to capture attention. You can use more than one image depending on how much space is available on the poster. Remember to cite the image if you found it online. If you made the image, you do not have to cite it.
Works Cited
Cite key publications in the text of your poster and list the references here. Remember to use Zotero to help create your reference list in your style of choice: APA, MLA, or Chicago.