Women's Health Education Program Research Project: Additional resosurces
This guide is intended to help students frame a timely and focused research question and find primary sources for the Transdisciplinary Research Project.
Export, save, and organize references from databases; attach notes and files; add references to Word documents; and easily create bibliographies (free to Drexel faculty, students, and staff)
Short video with instructions to find photographs, charts, tables, and graphs from a large library of medical images, and add them instantly to a PowerPoint presentation
This is your opportunity to shine and to show how much you know about your topic and the current literature. All questions are fair game, even if they are not in the articles you read. For example, if you refer to the fact that there are controversies surrounding your topic, be prepared to know what they are and where you stand on them.
You need to know the background and context of your research question, as well as present your analysis of the literature.
Presentations should:
tell the audience where you are going - overviewing, framing and setting the stage
take them there - what are the 3-5 key points you want to convey in your review?
tell the audience where they've been - summarize the take home messages.
Use some visuals to enliven your presentation
PRACTICE your presentation by actually standing up and saying the words in front of a friend. Then have the friend ask you anything about the topic.