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EndNote Desktop Import Tutorials

Adding citations to EndNote Online

If you use EndNote Online, there is a slightly different process for adding citations to your account.

The method of exporting the citations from individual databases, like PubMed or Engineering Village, is the same. However, uploading them to EndNote online is a little different. The instructions are below.

When you have citations downloaded

Once you have successfully downloaded your citations, navigate to the EndNote Online portal and log in. From the home page, you can see the citations (in this case downloaded from PubMed) at the bottom of the screen. Hover over the "Collect" tab.

Import references page

Click "Import References".

Choosing files to upload

On the new screen, click the "Choose File" button to select which file you want to download. This will most likely be in your downloads folder unless you have saved your citations elsewhere. Make sure the name of the file you select matches the name of the file you downloaded from the resource. 

Select appropriate database source

Next, select an import option. You need to select the database you downloaded the citations from. In this case, the citations came from PubMed, so that resource is selected. This ensures the citations are formatted properly. 

Select Group destination

You then must select a destination for your citations. If you already have a Group created that you would like to send them to, select that group. You can also leave them unfiled, or put them in a new Group. You will be prompted to name the new Group if you select this option. 


You should get a message like the one below once your citations were successfully imported. You can click on the Group name to navigate to that Group.