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EndNote Desktop Import Tutorials

Importing Citations from EBSCO databases

This tutorial will describe how to import citations from EBSCO databases, such as CINAHL or ERIC, to your EndNote library. Before you begin, ensure that EndNote is open in the background. 

Add citations to folder

Once you have completed a search and found citations you wish to save, you are ready to export the citation files to EndNote. Begin by adding citations to your folder by clicking the blue folder to the right of a citation. The blue folder will turn yellow to indicate it has been selected.

Navigate to folder

Once you have selected all the citations you would like to import, navigate to the top of the page and select the folder icon. This will take you to a new page which has all the articles you selected. 

Select citations in your folder

Once in your folder, click the "select all" tab to mark all the citations in folder. 

Export selected citations

On the right side of the page, select the "export" button.

Download citations

Once the citation manager is open, and the file format is marked for RIS format, click the save button. 

Add downloaded citations to EndNote

After the citations have downloaded, simply click the file to open them in EndNote. 

The citations will be in the "imported references" group. Once there, you can move them to new groups.