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Drexel Library

University Archives Web Archiving Program

This guide is for the Drexel Archive's Archive-It web archiving program.

About This Guide

This research guide provides information about the Drexel University Archives' Web Archiving program through the Internet Archive's Archive-It. 

Web Archive Collection

The Drexel University Archives Web Archiving Program was initiated in 2009 to capture and preserve the university’s online content. Records documenting official university functions as well as the life of the larger Drexel community are increasingly created and disseminated on the web. However, unlike traditional records, web pages are constantly changing—being updated or deleted—therefore, a far more active approach to the archival process is needed to ensure the information is not lost.


In line with the Drexel University Archives' mission, the mission of the web archiving program is to acquire and preserve materials of enduring value related to the growth and functioning of Drexel University that are published online, including websites and electronic newsletters and multimedia productions posted on these websites.


The University Archives will archive content of enduring value from public websites created by Drexel University units, student organizations, and faculty. Some areas of focus include: 

  • The history, administration, and culture of Drexel University 
  • Drexel faculty teaching and research 
  • Drexel student organizations 
  • Publicity about Drexel and Drexel’s impact on the wider community  
  • Materials traditionally published in print and now only available digitally 
  • Materials that complement areas of emphasis within physical DUA collections 

Wayback Machine

The Wayback Machine is how archived websites are replayed and viewed. Learn more on about accessing archived websites through the Wayback Machine and Archive-It, a subscription service of the Internet Archive.

About Archive-It

Archive-It is a service of the Internet Archive. It is a tool for capturing and preserving websites and is also how you can view and access archived websites.

You can access and explore the Drexel University websites collection directly through Archive-It. Learn more on our page about Archive-It.

Help Requested - Web Archive Submission

The Drexel University Archives is not currently crawling every webpage related to Drexel University. If you maintain or are aware of a page that you believe should be added to our Archive-It collection, please send an email to with the subject line "Request to Archive Website."

If your department or organization is planning to retire, move, or redesign a Drexel-related site, please also send an email to to inform us of the change, with the subject line "Request to Archive Website."