PubMed Fundamentals (4:25)
Explore the core skills of working with PubMed: searching, filtering, formatting and exporting citations, and accessing the full text of articles.
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PubMed Advanced (5:43)
Explore the advanced techniques of working with PubMed: using medical subject headings (MeSH), combining MeSH terms, and field searching in the advanced screen.
PubMed Clinical Queries (4:27)
Explore the PubMed Clinical Queries tool, including the Clinical Study and Systematic Review sections, how to filter search results that come from these sections, and how to view your search strategy to create a search table.
CINAHL Database Introduction (5:16)
Learn how to perform a basic search, use limiters to focus your results, and export and save citations in CINAHL, one of the most important databases in nursing, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and other health sciences disciplines.
CINAHL Special Features (3:38)
This tutorial reviews special features available in CINAHL: Creating an account and signing in, save options for searches and individual items, creating an alert, and attaching a note to an item.
CINAHL Keyword Searching (3:59)
This video demonstrates how to combine keyword searches and email citations for relevant results.
CINAHL Subject Headings, Part 1 (3:49)
This tutorial focuses on finding information in CINAHL using subject headings.
CINAHL Subject Headings, Part Two (4:11)
This tutorial continues finding information in CINAHL using subject headings.
Evidence-Based Practice Searching: Worksheet and Applying PICO Format (2:18)
This tutorial covers the evidence-based practice search assignment.
Evidence-Based Practice Searching: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (5:53)
This tutorial covers the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
Evidence-Based Practice Searching: CINAHL Using EBP Filters (7:00)
This tutorial uses a clinical question to demonstrate features in CINAHL.