The AANA represents more than 50,000 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) and student registered nurse anesthetists nationwide. The AANA promulgates education and practice standards and guidelines, regarding nurse anesthetists and their practice.
In collaboration with the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, PANA offers its members the resources necessary to advance patient safety and practice excellence.
NJANA serves as a resource for CRNA’s, the nursing and medical professions, hospitals, health care facilities, patients, and others interested in the practice of nurse anesthesia through continuing education programs and political and public advocacy and education.
PubMed is a database created by the National Library of Medicine to facilitate searching the biomedical literature. The MEDLINE databases found within PubMed contains journals that have been reviewed by a panel of experts for quality. PubMed also contains PMC, which contains publicly accessible literature that have not necessarily gone through the same review process.
Embase is a biomedical and pharmacological bibliographic database of published literature, indexing over 8,500 currently published journals from 1947 to the present, as well as in-press publications and conference abstracts. Embase is strong in coverage of European literature, and in the fields of drug research, pharmacology and pharmaceutics, and includes coverage of over 1,800 biomedical titles not indexed in MEDLINE/PubMed.
Literature on nursing, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. Content includes fulltext access to more than 600 journals and citations for journal articles, book chapters, dissertations and selected conference proceedings.
Search scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Web of Science is a terrific place to begin for research in the sciences. Also includes citation analysis tools.
Specialized literature in health sciences, including clinical research and healthcare. It includes the Cochrane database of systematic reviews, and databases of clinical trials, and non-Cochrane systematic reviews.
The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. Cochrane Reviews are peer-reviewed systematic reviews that summarize and assess current research for clinical treatment decisions.
DynaMed Plus is a clinical reference tool containing summaries of diseases and other topics, with information about diagnosis, treatment options, etc. All the information in DynaMed is linked back to the original articles that provided the evidence, and evidence is graded based on the quality of the study methodology and the results.
To use: Access DynaMed Plus using the link, then set up a personal account. You will receive an email to finish activating your account. Then download the DynaMed Plus mobile app and use your personal account to log in. The DynaMed app will download most of the information in DynaMed to your device. This allows for easy access to information when internet connectivity is poor, but uses a lot of storage space on your device.
Clinical Key provides access to Elsevier's current medical and surgical content including: First Consult; Top journals; Best-selling medical and surgical books and thousands of images.
Formerly Nursing Reference Center Plus, Dynamic Health is an evidence-based tool designed to help nurses and allied health professionals master skills, obtain fast answers to questions and foster a culture of evidence-based practice and critical thinking leading to improved patient outcomes. Dynamic Health CDS + Skills builds on EBSCO’s current resource, Dynamic Health™ Skills, adding clinical decision support content that is based on a strict, evidence-based methodology, leading to improved patient outcomes.
A searchable collection of ebooks in medicine and other health sciences, including Stedman's Medical Dictionary. Also offers image and media collections, clinical calculators and converters, evidence alerts, and more.
Clinical Key provides access to Elsevier's current medical and surgical content including: First Consult; Top journals; Best-selling medical and surgical books and thousands of images. To find ebooks, browse the Book collection for Anesthesiology
Presentation and videos demonstrating EBP searching in Cochrane, CINAHL, Dynamed and PsycINFO. This series also includes a presentation on PICO. A presentation demonstrating PubMed Clinical Queries is listed separately