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Drexel Library

Drexel Research Discovery

Drexel University’s institutional research repository

Your Profile @ Drexel Research Discovery

All Drexel University faculty and researchers, along with many students, have profile pages in Drexel Research Discovery containing basic information and a works list.  Sign in via Drexel Connect to access your profile.  Faculty researcher profiles are public by default.  Student and other staff profiles are private by default. The decision to make specific profiles public is made in consultation with each university unit.

Some information and functionality is only available after signing.  Data available after sign in can only be viewed by Drexel colleagues, not the general public.  These data elements include your total file downloads, publications views, and Web of Science citations (see the Metrics tab above), as well as additional contact information.  After sign in, you can also generate a customized CV.

Drexel Research Discovery profiles link to Drexel University directory profiles.  If you leave the University, we recommend logging in to your profile and exporting your works.

The Overview tab of your Drexel Research Discovery profile contains information about you.  Some information is added automatically, such as basic contact information (work email), name, and current affiliation. If any of that information is incorrect or if you want the profile changed, please contact for assistance.  Up to 5 highlighted works can be displayed on your Overview tab (see the Publications tab above).

Click the Edit Profile button or Settings (under your account button at the top right) to edit or add information to your profile.  You can edit the following sections:

  • Name (set display name, aka, the name under which you publish, or add a name variant)
  • Global IDs, such as ORCID, Pivot, Researcher ID, Scopus ID, Google Scholar ID, and more
    • If your ORCID is in your profile, you can authorize automatic update of ORCID with your publications here (see the Update Your ORCID tab above for more information).
  • Profile Image
  • Display Title
  • Research Topics
  • Biography and Expertise
  • Links
  • Honors
  • Organizational Affiliations (past)
  • Education

If you have any questions or need assistance editing your profile, please contact us at

The Publications tab in your Drexel Research Discovery profile lists all the works we have matched with you and links to the full Drexel Research Discovery record. When you're signed in to your Drexel Research Discovery profile via Drexel Connect, you can manage your Publications list:

  • Use the EXPORT ALL button to export your full list of publications in BibTeX or RIS format.  The list can then be imported into a citation management program or other profile system. 
  • Use the +ADD WORK button to submit any work missing from your list (see the Faculty Works > How to Add Content? tab for more information).  Contact for assistance importing multiple items in batch.
  • Click the Star icon next to an individual publication in order to add it to your highlights. Up to 5 highlighted works can appear on the Overview in your public profile
  • Use the More options menu for an individual work (3 vertical dots to the right of the work's title) to:
    • Hide this work from your profile and CV (NOTE: It will still be findable via Drexel Research Discovery)
    • Message the database admins to let us know if something is wrong with the record
    • Export metadata to download the selected work in BibTeX or RIS format

Profiles have optional additional tabs or elements, which appear in tabs after content is added.  See the links below for examples.

  • Activities
    • Supervision, Advising and Mentoring
    • Commercialization
    • Service to the Community
    • Events
    • Service to the Institution
    • Service to the Profession
    • Teaching (courses can be loaded on-demand)
  • Awards
  • Media Mentions
  • Projects, such as community-based learning efforts

If you have any questions or need assistance with your profile, please contact

Save time and keep your ORCID*  profile up-to-date by connecting your Drexel Research Discovery profile today!  Once connected, publications listed in your Drexel Research Discovery profile are automatically sent to your ORCID profile Works section every night. 

To connect your ORCID:

  1. Sign in with Drexel Connect to your Drexel Research Discovery profile AND also into ORCID (yes, you can use Drexel Connect for both! -- if you haven't already connected ORCID and Drexel Connect, our FAQ can guide you). 
  2. In Drexel Research Discovery, go to Edit Profile or Settings.  In the Global IDs section, you'll see Register or Connect your ORCID
    Register or Connect your ORCID iD
  3. If you already have an ORCID, you'll be prompted grant Drexel Research Discovery permission to read and/or write data to your ORCID profile.  Important:  you can revoke this permission at any time through your ORCID profile.  If you don't have an ORCID, the link will offer to create one. 

Contact if you have any concerns or need any assets updated.

Once your permission is confirmed via email, you can expect the following:

  • updates run nightly, so overnight, your ORCID profile will be updated with all works currently in your profile, for example:
  • your ORCID profile will be automatically updated when a new work is added to your Drexel Research Discovery profile
  • a link to your Drexel Research Discovery profile will be added to your ORCID Websites and social links section
  • you'll receive email from ORCID, notifying you that Drexel Research Discovery has made changes to your ORCID record

Best Practice

  • It is recommended that you make all updates to your publications list in Drexel Research Discovery -- no need for double-work updating your ORCID works
  • If there are duplicate works in ORCID after the first update, delete those from other sources
  • Revoke permission for other sources to update your ORCID profile -- this will allow you to fully control your ORCID profile from your Drexel Research Discovery profile and reduce your workload

If you have any problems or questions, please contact

* Open Researcher and Contributor ID

The Metrics section of your Drexel Research Discovery profile is only displayed when you are signed in. 

It does not display to the public, but this information can be viewed on any profile by any Drexel colleague who has signed in. 

It contains 3 measures:

  • Total file downloads = the number of times any files deposited in Drexel Research Discovery and associated with you have been downloaded from Drexel Research Discovery
  • Total output views = the number of times your works have been viewed in Drexel Research Discovery
  • Total times cited = the number of times your works have been cited (source = Web of Science, only includes works indexed in Web of Science)

Metrics section of IRO profile

You can choose to display or hide these metrics by editing the Metrics section of your Drexel Research Discovery profile:

IRO profile Metrics settings

Want to hear more or less about Drexel Research Discovery?

You can control automated emails from Drexel Research Discovery by going to the Notifications section of your profile. 

All options are inactive by default.

IRO profile notifications settings