The following specialized education databases are good for scholarly articles. Check them after you have browsed the "Articles & More" searchbox on the library website, also known as "DragonSearch". Be sure to try out the filter options on the left side of the screen for "Peer Reviewed Journals" and then browse the list of indexing under the "Subject Terms/More" option.
For news articles, see publications such as The Chronicle of Higher Education as linked here along with Inside Higher Ed, or the higher ed section of the website with some free content for non-subscribers.
For access to same-day articles from NYTimes and Washington Post, use the Factiva database from DowJones/Reuters. Visit the Drexel Library chat help box if you do not find the search interface intuitive.
For access the the Philadelphia Inquirer and other northeastern USA regional papers, including the independent Black-owned newspapers, see the Proquest Northeast Newsstream Newspapers database.
Full-text of most PhD and EdD dissertations from North American universities since 1996. Request older ones through ILLiad.