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Health Informatics: INFO732 Assignment

Health care related information technology, systems, and management

Assignment Description

Students will prepare a paper giving an overview of an issue or problem of their choice that they wish to investigate during this course.  The paper should include the problem statement and a a literature review consisting of a minimum of 10 articles.  The literature review should be a synthesis of relevant literature which places the problem in context and indicates its importance.

Questions to address include: 

  • What is currently known about the problem? 
  • What previous solutions have been presented? 
  • What methods have been used to examine the problem? 
  • Why is the problem important? 
  • How might the problem be solved through evaluation?

Your paper should have an introduction, statement of the problem, presentation of the literature review, and references conforming to a format of your choice. 

Possible topics: wearable devices, use of those technologies by the elderly, and issues associated with the implementation of electronic health records, mainly safety and security.