Specialized literature in health sciences, including clinical research and healthcare. It includes the Cochrane database of systematic reviews, and databases of clinical trials, and non-Cochrane systematic reviews.
The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. Cochrane Reviews are peer-reviewed systematic reviews that summarize and assess current research for clinical treatment decisions. Keywords: systematic review, evidence-based medicine
Literature on nursing, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. Content includes fulltext access to more than 600 journals and citations for journal articles, book chapters, dissertations and selected conference proceedings.
Keywords: nurse, biomedicine, integrative medicine, nutrition, art therapy, healthcare, health policy, rehabilitation, wellness
This website presents the TRIP Database, a directory of medical links to high-quality sources of medical information on the web. It provides links to hundreds of other medical databases on the web through a search engine, including sites listed above. Search tips are listed on the search page. *Free registration is required.*
Presentation and videos demonstrating EBP searching in Cochrane, CINAHL, Dynamed, and PsycINFO. There is also a presentation on PICO. A video for PubMed Clinical Queries is listed separately.
This tutorial provides individuals with a basic introduction to the principles of Evidence-based Medicine. It was created by the Duke University Medical Center Library and the Health Sciences Library, UNC Chapel Hill.
This website contains details of learning resources available from the Centre and collaborative departments. CEBM aims to develop, teach and promote evidence-based health care through conferences, workshops and EBM tools so that all health care professionals can maintain the highest standards of medicine.
A comprehensive library of research methods library with books, reference works, journal articles, and instructional videos across the social sciences.
The Methods Map can help those less familiar with research methods to find the best technique to use in their research. Keywords: research, methodology, quantitative, qualitative, social science
Literature on nursing, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. Content includes fulltext access to more than 600 journals and citations for journal articles, book chapters, dissertations and selected conference proceedings.
Keywords: nurse, biomedicine, integrative medicine, nutrition, art therapy, healthcare, health policy, rehabilitation, wellness
Search scholarly, peer-reviewed literature in the biomedical sciences.
PubMed is a database created by the National Library of Medicine to facilitate searching the biomedical literature. The MEDLINE databases found within PubMed contains journals that have been reviewed by a panel of experts for quality. PubMed also contains PMC, which contains publicly accessible literature that have not necessarily gone through the same review process. Keywords: biomedical sciences, medicine, basic science, molecular biology, genetics, genomics, immunology, kinesiology, neurosciences, neurobiology, nutrition, anatomy, health
Search scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Web of Science is a terrific place to begin for research in the sciences. Also includes citation analysis tools.
ALERT (February 2024) - EBSCOhost (CINAHL) has recently implemented some updates that are causing limited search results. For advanced searching, Boolean operators must be capitalized (AND, OR). Contact librarians@drexel.libanswers.com for assistance.
PsycINFO comprehensively indexes the literature of psychology/behavioral sciences, including journals, books and book chapters, and dissertations. Journal coverage spans 1800 - present; monograph indexing extends back to 1600. Keywords: psychology, behavioral health, behavioral sciences
A broad, multidisciplinary tool that searches in-depth across the Libraries' print and electronic collections.
Grey Literature
Grey Literature primarily refers to scholarly, scientific or government materials not controlled by commercial publishing. They include documents like government reports, non-commercially published conference papers, working papers, standards, and guidelines.
AHRQ's mission is to produce evidence to make health care safer, higher quality, more accessible, equitable, and affordable, and to work with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and other partners to make sure that the evidence is understood and used.
You can use Google Scholar to search for materials from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.
The Sigma Repository is a free, online service that collects, preserves, and disseminates digital materials related to all aspects of nursing research. In 2012, the repository expanded to include full-text submissions.
Reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Please click on linked book titles to view a free PDF. Prices listed refer print versions of these items.