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Elementary Education: Elementary Education - Special Topics

K-6 General Education Resources

The Learning Environment

Student Empowerment
This strategy for improving the behavioral atmosphere and quality of attention in the classroom comes recommended by a  Drexel School of Education faculty member.


News & Current Events Sources

Education Week - Comprehensive coverage of k-12 news nation wide.

Philadelphia Public School Notebook - Essential coverage of Philly schools with an insiders perspective for teachers, students and parents alike.

Selected Elementary Education Journals

Suggested Journals:


The Elementary School Journal is designed to serve both the researcher and the practitioner in elementary and middle school education. While exploring central problems in education theory, the journal also explores the complex problems of the classroom. In addition, The Elementary School Journal presents articles that relate the latest research in child development, cognitive psychology, sociology, and anthropology to school learning and teaching.

Language Arts is a professional journal for elementary and middle school teachers and teacher educators. It provides a forum for discussions on all aspects of language arts learning and teaching, primarily as they relate to children in pre-kindergarten through the eighth grade.

Teaching Children Mathematics is an official journal of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and is intended as a resource for elementary school students, teachers, and teacher educators. The focus of the journal is on intuitive, exploratory investigations that use informal reasoning to help students develop a strong conceptual basis that leads to greater mathematical abstraction.

Teaching Exceptional Children features articles dealing with practical methods and materials for classroom use aimed at teachers of children with disabilities and children who are gifted; an official journal of the Council for Exceptional Children.

Science & Children is the National Science Teacher's Association journal for elementary teachers.

You may also choose to keyword search on just the journal TITLES using our "GetIt E-Journal Portal" as I have linked to in the following examples:   "school"   or   "teacher"

Selected web sites

Federal Resources for Educational Excellence --- a collection of teaching and learning resources from Federal Agencies. Resources are grouped into the following subjects: Arts & Music, Health & Physical Education, History & Social Studies, Language Arts, Math and Science. From the US Dept of Ed.

EDSITEment - contains K-12 resources in Art & Culture, Literature & Language Arts, History & Social Studies, and Foreign Language from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

PBS Teachers - provides early childhood educators with curriculum tools and professional resources as part of its commitment to growing young minds.

Elementary Teacher Resources A teacher-made collection of elementary resources including teacher materials, suggested books, a subscriber newsletter, and links to other resources.

Also see the Drexel Libraries guides for Instructional Technology and for Teaching Content Areas - Science  and Other