Consider viewing movies such as the following:
The Insider (1999)
Michael Clayton (2007)
Contagion (2011)
Shattered Glass (2004)
Roger and Me (1989)
The Invisible War (2012)
Invictus (2009)
Groundhog Day (1993)
Keyword search the following "AVON" database for documentaries covering ethical issues.
Use the following database to find website of professional associations, each of which will have their own statement of professional ethics.
Covers U.S. and international business and economic conditions, trends, corporate strategies, management techniques, marketing, product development, and competitive information. Content types include: scholarly and trade journal, magazine, and newspaper articles, working papers, conference materials, case studies, books, audio, video, and company, country, industry, and market research reports. The ABI/INFORM Collection is comprised of ABI/INFORM Dateline (local and regional business publications), ABI/INFORM Global (in-depth coverage from thousands of publications), and ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry (in-depth coverage of companies, products, executives, trends and other topics).
Librarian's Tip:
ABI/Inform is strong on both the trade and scholarly literature, as well as business news in general. Be sure to filter for each kind of literature to observe the differences in topics and writing style.
Librarian's Tip:
Browsing specialized journals can also be an effective way to research current topics in each field. Each of these journal titles contain the stem word "ethic." Browse the list, click through to the ones that sound relevant. Each platform on which the journals are hosted will be slightly different, although most should offer a way to keyword search their contents.
E-books: See the following link for a sample search of the "Articles & More" search box on the front page of the Drexel Libraries website for the keywords "professional ethics" and filtered for just e-books from the year 2000 onward.
Browsing the Drexel Libraries book catalog by the Library of Congress subject heading "Professional Ethics" provides an overview of all the books in this area and highlights just a few books by subcategory for each profession.
For example:
Professional Ethics - College Teachers
Professional Ethics - Engineers
Professional Ethics - Physicians
Also see the narrower terms, such as Business Ethics, Legal Ethics, Medical Ethics, etc
Try a similar search by the subject heading "Professional Ethics" in the database of all U.S. libraries (
Then filter your results using the "Topics" option on the lower left to get just those books in the subcategory you wish. If you desire a book you find in worldcat that Drexel does not own, try requesting it through Drexel's EZBorrow network.