These databases index scholarly articles, as well as some books, dissertations, reports and other sources in the field of education.
Why are there three different versions of ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)?
In addition to education subject databases, a number of other scholarly databases can be useful for research in education, including multidisciplinary databases and databases in related disciplines
An online data platform and mapping tool that provides access to U.S. demographic data, as well as data related to health, housing, transit, and more. Create a map with included data or upload your own, generate reports, or download data for use in other applications. Data are sourced from both government and proprietary sources, including: the Census Bureau, the CDC, the DHS, the EPA, the FDIC, FEMA, HUD, NCES, and the Reinvestment Fund. For a complete list of included data, see the data dictionary. Visit the PolicyMap Knowledge Center for tutorials & support documentation.