Child Neurology by John H. Menkes (Editor); Bernard L. Maria (Editor); Harvey B. Sarnat (Editor)In clinically relevant terms, the book explains how recent developments in molecular biology, genetics, neurochemistry, neurophysiology, neuropathology, and neuroimaging impact on diagnosis and treatment. Chapters focus on specific disorders or groups of disorders and emphasize differential diagnosis, disease course, treatment, and prognosis. This edition has a new chapter on mitochondrial cytopathies.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5-TR by American Psychiatric AssociationThe Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR), is the most comprehensive, current, and critical resource for clinical practice available to today's mental health clinicians and researchers. DSM-5-TR includes the fully revised text and references, updated diagnostic criteria and ICD-10-CM codes since DSM-5 was published in 2013. It features a new disorder, Prolonged Grief Disorder, as well as codes for suicidal behavior available to all clinicians of any discipline without the requirement of any other diagnosis. With contributions from over 200 subject matter experts, this updated volume boasts the most current text updates based on the scientific literature. Now in four-color and with the ability to authenticate each printed copy, DSM-5-TR provides a cohesive, updated presentation of criteria, diagnostic codes, and text. This latest volume offers a common language for clinicians involved in the diagnosis and study of mental disorders and facilitates an objective assessment of symptom presentations across a variety of clinical settings--inpatient, outpatient, partial hospital, consultation-liaison, clinical, private practice, and primary care. Stay current with these important updates in DSM-5-TR: * Fully revised text for each disorder with updated sections on associated features, prevalence, development and course, risk and prognostic factors, culture, diagnostic markers, suicide, differential diagnosis, and more.* Addition of Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) to Section II--a new disorder for diagnosis* Over 70 modified criteria sets with helpful clarifications since publication of DSM-5* Fully updated Introduction and Use of the Manual to guide usage and provide context for important terminology* Considerations of the impact of racism and discrimination on mental disorders integrated into the text* New codes to flag and monitor suicidal behavior, available to all clinicians of any discipline and without the requirement of any other diagnosis* Fully updated ICD-10-CM codes implemented since 2013, including over 50 coding updates new to DSM-5-TR for substance intoxication and withdrawal and other disorders* Updated and redesigned Diagnostic Classification This manual is a valuable resource for other physicians and health professionals, including psychologists, counselors, nurses, and occupational and rehabilitation therapists, as well as social workers and forensic and legal specialists. The new DSM-5-TR is the most definitive resource for the diagnosis and classification of mental disorders.
ISBN: 0890425760
Publication Date: 2022-03-18
Kaplan and Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry by Benjamin J. Sadock; Virginia A. Sadock; Pedro RuizCoverage of neural sciences, with new sections on epigenetics, the microbiome, systems neuroscience, the Human Connectome Project, neurodevelopment, and many more. Extensively revised sections on schizophrenia, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, geriatric psychiatry and neurocognitive disorders. Uniquely comprehensive information of psychosomatic medicine, including chapters on obesity, chronic pain, and psychiatric sequella of critical illness. Timely information on public and global psychiatry, biological therapies, and psychotherapies. "Text within a text" coverage of child psychiatry includes thorough information on neuroimaging, assessment, genetics, sleep disorders, and the impact on parents of raising a psychiatrically disabled child. Abundant case histories add clarity and represent the vast clinical experiences and wisdom of hundreds of contributing authors.
ISBN: 9781451100471
Publication Date: 2017-06-01
Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry by Robert Boland; Marcia Verduin; Pedro RuizPresents the most current treatment methods including descriptions of all modern psychotherapeutic techniques. Includes descriptive tables for all relevant DSM-5 and ICD-10 diagnoses and an up-to-date psychopharmacology section organized according to mechanisms of action.
PsycINFO comprehensively indexes the literature of psychology/behavioral sciences, including journals, books and book chapters, and dissertations. Journal coverage spans 1800 - present; monograph indexing extends back to 1600.
PubMed is a database created by the National Library of Medicine to facilitate searching the biomedical literature. The MEDLINE databases found within PubMed contains journals that have been reviewed by a panel of experts for quality. PubMed also contains PMC, which contains publicly accessible literature that have not necessarily gone through the same review process.
Citations to literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health sequelae of traumatic events, without disciplinary, linguistic, or geographical limitations; sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Diagnosaurus, provided by AccessMedicine,provides differential diagnoses (DDx) of symptoms, signs, and diseases. By using the various indexes, you can choose to view entries by organ system, or select to view the list of symptoms only, the list of diseases only, or all of the entries.
The Expanded Collection is a collection of streaming video in the fields of Psychotherapy, Counseling and Social Work, highly recommended for clinical training.
The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. Cochrane Reviews represent the highest level of evidence on which to base clinical treatment decisions. In addition to Cochrane Reviews, The Cochrane Library provides other sources of reliable information: other systematic reviews abstracts, technology assessments, economic evaluations, and individual clinical trials.
The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. Cochrane Reviews are peer-reviewed systematic reviews that summarize and assess current research for clinical treatment decisions.
A searchable database of annotated citations for education-related research, technical reports and journal articles; will include literature on learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, etc.
Includes ability to limit search results by education level (such as early childhood education or a particular grade) and target audience (such as counselors, parents, or teachers)
Recommended link to Google Scholar for Drexel users, as it provides verified links to full text items licensed for Drexel University use. Follow these instructions to set your Google Scholar settings for access to Drexel Full Text.
Includes Science Citation Index Expanded covering over 5,600 journals, and covering relevant items from over 7,000 leading science and social science journals. Can access Journal Citation Reports and Cited Reference Search via this link.
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry