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Research Data Management Resources

Data Repositories

Research Data is shared to meet funding agency and publisher requirements; sharing of research data also encourages collaboration between researchers, encourages transparency and enables reproducibility of research results and reduces the redundancy of data production in research. Research Data Management Support assists researchers in identifying appropriate repositories for sharing and preservation of data, creation of metadata to describe data, and acquiring persistent identifiers (DOIs) for data and publications.



REDCap is a web application for building and managing online surveys and databases, and can be accessed through Drexel after REDCap training. REDCap offers a wide variety of video tutorials

RE 3 Data

re3data is a global registry of research data repositories, to help researchers find repositories suitable in which to deposit their data. Foster Open Science provides a video demo of how the system works. 



GitHub is a website that is cloud-based, where researchers can share code, data, and documents with other people. It is also very good at version control. This blog post from Hubspot provides an excellent introduction for first time GitHub users. GitHub hosts it's own tutorial videos on more specific aspects of the website, and the GitHub Learning Lab will let you explore other topics more in-depth.

Open Science Framework

The Open Science Framework is a tool that promotes the open sharing of research workflows. They create a variety of useful guides for beginners, as well as some more advanced tutorials


Figshare is an online, cloud-based, multi-disciplinary repository. The provide their own instructions on signing up, uploading and publishing data, sharing and citing data, and finding data already in the repository. They also have a variety of video tutorials available.