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Drexel Library

Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics

This course guide includes useful resources to assist students to find relevant information needed for their projects and assignments.

Electronic Books

Search in various electronic book collections about topic related to materials science and engineering

Electronic Reference

Finding Articles

Try DragonSearch to find  peer reviewed research articles from scholarly journals. 

  • Use relevant research keywords related to your topic. 
  • For example, type ‘Drones and Robots' and click on Search.
  • Refine your search results by selecting options such as  'peer review' and 'Articles and more'.
  • Explore your results, find and access papers you need. 

Electronic Databases

Use databases below to find scholarly journal articles about the topic of your research project.


United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
The USPTO offers web access to bibliographic and full-text patent databases. These databases provide full-text of patents from 1976 to the present and full page images from 1790 to the present.

See What is a Patent?
See Anatomy of a U.S. patent

See Patent Searching Tips.
See 'What is Intellectual Property?' in Frequently Asked Questions for Inventors
See 'Manual of Patent Classification'

Fresh Patents
Provides access to the latest published US patent applications each week BEFORE the USPTO decision to
Given a patent number, will return a free, pdf formated version of the patent.

The Google Patent Search covers the entire collection of patents made available by the USPTO—from patents issued in the 1790s to present.

Engineering Standards

Engineering Standards:

See aso:


IEEE Standards:

  • IEEE Xplore  - Click on Standards
    With an active portfolio of nearly 1,300 standards and projects under development, IEEE is a leading developer of industry standards in a broad range of technologies.

Defense and federal specifications and standards

ASSIST Quick Search

Searching for standards from other organizations such as ISO or SAE.

Find standard number and the title for each standard you need from the other organizations.


    Mad Cad is a database with access to cross-referenced collections of building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, fire, and maintenance codes from BOCA, SBCCI, ICBO, ICC, and NFPA. Some ASHRAE standards are also available.

To obtain any other standards, or if you have any other questions, please contact Jay Bhatt, Liaison Librarian for Engineering, Hagerty Library room 127, Phone: 215-895-1873. Email:


Technical Reports

What is a technical report? A technical report is a document that describes the process, progress, or results of technical or scientific research, or the state of a technical or scientific research problem.