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Drexel Library

Drexel Libraries Student Orientation Guide

Get to Know Our Spaces! Drexel Libraries Locations

The Drexel Libraries is a great place to relax and work between classes! 

W. W. Hagerty Library

The W. W. Hagerty Library is located in the heart of the University City campus at 33rd & Market Street and is home to the Dragons' Learning Den, the Libraries' 24/7 study space. You can reserve a group study room, print, charge your devices, browse the stacks or grab a snack in the Dragons' Learning Den. 

W. W. Hagerty Library Hours

Dragons' Learning Den

Located in the W. W. Hagerty Library, the Dragons' Learning Den is a flexible study space where you can work in groups or alone. The Den is open 24/7, even when the main library is closed for the day. To enter the Den after normal library hours, simply enter through the outside doors closest to 33rd & Ludlow Streets. You'll need to scan your Drexel ID on the card reader to the left of the doors in order to enter the space. 

Learn more about the Dragons' Learning Den 

Online via

And remember our website,, the place to go to get millions of online books, newspapers, journals and magazines for your coursework and research papers.