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Drexel Library

Drexel Libraries Student Orientation Guide

Course Reserves

The Drexel University Libraries’ Course Reserves Service provides access to high-demand materials that your professor or instructor "put on reserve" for their course. Materials may be physical items or electronic resources. Reserve lists typically include required and recommended course readings.

Professors usually indicate if materials are available via course reserves in the syllabus. Not all instructors utilize the course reserves, and please check your syllabus for each class.

Our system does not allow us to search the reserves by course or professor, only by title or information about the book. If you don’t know the title of the book, you can look up your textbooks by course through the Drexel Bookstore. Once you have the title of the text, you can search for it through DragonSearch, the Libraries' online discovery search tool.

Access Electronic Course Reserve Materials

Electronic course reserves materials, such as journal articles and streaming media, are available online via your Blackboard Learn course shell.

Borrow Physical Course Reserve Items

Borrow a physical reserve item, such as a book or DVD, by visiting the service desk at the appropriate Libraries location.

For more information...

Visit our course reserves webpage or email