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Drexel Library

AS-I 101: Strategies for Online Learning

Library Resources and Services for College of Arts and Sciences' introductory course for online learners


Welcome to Drexel and the Drexel University Libraries -- we'll be your partner throughout your educational voyage!

Visit us online at to find the books, journal articles and videos, and to contact us for help.

Searching the Libraries' Collections

Electronic Resources:

Nearly all of the Libraries' journal, all databases, and a significant number of books are available electronically.  When you choose a link to a Drexel Libraries-subscribed resources, you'll see an authentication page to verify your Drexel affiliation: use your Drexel EMAIL ID (just the initials and number, not your full email address) and PASSWORD to log in to all library resources.

Alternatively, you can set up VPN (Virtual Private Network) access to reach all licensed resources.

NOTE: Due to changes in Drexel Account requirements, you may need to set up Multi-Factor Authentication to log in.

Finding Journal Articles

Whether you find citations to journal articles using one of the Libraries' databases, or have a list of citations from another source, how do you get to the actual TEXT of the article?

From a citation in a database:

Look for the button, or a DREXEL FULL TEXT link. This is our linking system that connects you from a citation in one database to the text of that article that might be in a different journal collection.

A new tab or new browser window will open (you may need to turn-off your pop-up blocker!). If the article is available to us online, you'll either go directly to the article itself, or to a "services" window that will allow you to choose between multiple options to access the article.

If the article is not available online, the "services" page will instruct your to sign in (use your usual Drexel ID and password), then will show options for requesting the article via Interlibrary Loan.

Citations from other sources:

When you have a citation that you didn't find in a database, you can find out whether the article is available in our journal collections.

  • Type or copy-and-paste a phrase from the article title into the DragonSearch box on the library home page. Use enough of the title to have a unique/significant phrase, and put it in quotation marks:  "microbiological evaluation of water fountains of public and private schools".
  • OR, see "Finding/Browsing Journals" below to search for the journal title, then navigate to the appropriate year/volume/issue to find the article.



Sometimes the linking function just doesn't work quite right; there might be a malfunction at the journal website, or there may be problems with the information in the citation. Search for the journal title in DragonSearch:

  • Starting at the Advanced Search, click on Find a Journal Title.
  • Click on the journal title from the search results.
  • You may see a list of options for accessing the journal; choose the option that includes the year of your citation.
  • Within that collection, either search for the article by title, or navigate to the volume and issue you need.

Resources for Writers