The 2025 Primary date for Pennsylvania is Tuesday, May 25th.
Yes? Check your registration on your state's voter registration site -- make sure it's still valid and active!
No? As a student attending school in Pennsylvania, you can choose to register in PA, or you can register at your home address. If you are registered elsewhere in Pennsylvania, you can update your registration to your current address.
Caution: Recent news stories have reported fraudulent voter registration forms on websites created by political action committees. Before you fill out an online voter registration form, make sure that it is on your state government's website.
Some states or communities might vote on electronic machines, some may vote on paper.
Philadelphia votes on touchscreen Expressvote XL machines -- easier than ordering a hoagie at Wawa. Here's the process:
Photo ID: | Non-photo ID |
The Express XL machines provide instructions in English, Spanish and Chinese; ADA assistive devices are available. If you have any questions about HOW to vote, don't hesitate to ask the election officials at the table -- but remember they cannot advise you on WHO to vote for!
In some states, all voting is done by mail; in other states, voting by mail may be limited to those with specific absentee excuses. In Pennsylvania, any registered voter may vote by mail.
To vote in person in most states, you need to go to your specific polling place. This is determined by the address you used when you registered to vote.
Philadelphia has 1703 election Divisions, each with their own polling place (although sometimes multiple polling places might be situated in the same building). These divisions are grouped into Wards; most of the Drexel campus is in the 24th Ward or the adjoining 27th Ward.
If you go to a polling place other than the one at which you're registered, you will only be able to vote by provisional ballot; a provisional ballot records your vote while the county board of elections determines whether it can be counted.
Plan ahead! If you won't be able to get to your polling place in person on election day, request a mail-in/absentee ballot.
You are eligible to vote in U.S. federal elections if:
Voter Registration Deadlines
In all states except North Dakota, you must register before you can vote. Registration deadlines vary. Some states close registration 30 days before the election, while others allow voters to register up to and on Election Day. Find out your state's voter registration deadline for the general election.
Voter Registration is by State
You must be registered in your state of legal residence; as a student, this can be either your home address, or your campus address. If you’ve changed states permanently, you must re-register in your new state.
You can’t be registered to vote in more than one place at a time. When you register to vote in a new location, you’ll be asked for your previous address. Your new election office will send a cancelation form to your previous election office.
If you’ll be temporarily away from home during the election, you can vote by absentee ballot with your state of legal residence. Examples of voters who’ve moved or are away temporarily include:
Different states use different rules and procedures for voting; some states allow early voting or voting by mail; others don't. Make sure you know what the procedures are in the state where you are registered. You can only vote at a Philadelphia polling place if you are registered to vote in Pennsylvania, at a Philadelphia address!